One 36 Stone Lad Has Lost An Incredible Amount Of Weight

One 36 Stone Lad Has Lost An Incredible Amount Of Weight

One 36 Stone Lad Has Lost An Incredible Amount Of Weight
One 36 Stone Lad Has Lost An Incredible Amount Of Weight

Sometimes tough love is the best way to go about things and for Jamie Brooks, getting forced into a corner certainly turned his life around.

We've all got that one chubby mate and Jamie, a chef from Somerset, was just that in his group of friends. 

At his heaviest, the 31-year-old weighed in at 36 stone, but that's when his close friend Neil Williamson intervened. 
Thanks to some serious tough love, Jamie's life changed, and he managed to drop to a healthy 14st 4Ibs.

Jamie Brooks weight loss
Jamie Brooks

Jamie’s epic weight loss journey began when Neil decided to send him a series of brutally honest text messages.

Neil would send messages such as "you fat f***" to Jamie every day for six weeks, along with other motivational gems such as "You’ll be dead by the time you’re 40."

The abusive messages helped Jamie lose an incredible amount of weight in next to no time.

It might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but it certainly worked for Jamie.

"Jamie Brooks: It took the full six weeks to motivate me to do something but I’m so glad I did. Neil has saved my life, I can’t thank him enough."

Since trimming down, Jamie has began a romantic relationship with his neighbour and has admitted he’s never been happier!

Keep it up mate!

Jamie Brooks losing weight
Jamie Brooks and Neil Williamson 


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