
You, sir, are very attractive. Therefore, I shall stare at you. | Share Inspire Quotes - Inspiring Quotes | Love Quotes | Funny Quotes | Quotes about Life
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Life is too important to be taken seriously ~Oscar Wilde Website - http://bit.ly/15ZKGHM
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Happiness does not depend on outward things, but on the way we see them. ~Leo Tolstoy Website - http://bit.ly/1fuYi3L
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I'd rather have one sunflower from you than a million roses from any other boy. Website - http://bit.ly/14OwQqV
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Confidence comes not from always being right, but not fearing to be wrong. Website - http://bit.ly/1fuepyM
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Distancing has 3 reasons: Either you hate that person, you want to move on, or you're too afraid to fall in love. | Share Inspire Quotes - Inspiring Quotes | Love Quotes | Funny Quotes | Quotes about Life
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Sometimes I wish I never became so close to you, that way it wouldn't be as hard saying goodbye. Website - http://bit.ly/1bL7U8b
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Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn't know you left open. Website - http://bit.ly/1bgX1LS
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It is not true that nice guys finish last. Nice guys are winners before the game even starts. Website - http://bit.ly/14O4z3V
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Be nice to everyone, always smile and appreciate things because it could all be gone tomorrow. ~Ed Sheeran Website - http://bit.ly/14NRnMm
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An archaeologist is the best husband a woman can have; The older she gets, the more interested he is in her. Website - http://bit.ly/176zcSK
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Life is a bitch, but totally do-able. Website - http://bit.ly/16vkkjj
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The awkward moment when your stomach growls in class, and your teacher asks if you need something to eat. Website - http://bit.ly/176n2cL
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If you want him to stop running, you have to stop chasing him. Website - http://bit.ly/16sFyhU
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Bad relationships change good people. Website - http://bit.ly/1QZWpch
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Today, be the reason someone feels loved. Website - http://bit.ly/1OXtkNq
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Don’t be afraid of death, be afraid of an unlived life. Website - http://bit.ly/1M2FwMQ
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My sex life is like a blind man watching porn. Website - http://bit.ly/1YmtdSB
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