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I was reminded that my blood group is Be Positive. Website - http://bit.ly/2xmZ2nR
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Hope shines brightest in the darkest moments. Never give up! http://bit.ly/2jQJl5j
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Sometimes rock bottom is the perfect place to rebuild. Website - http://bit.ly/2hnLqRC
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There are people who would love to have bad days. Website - http://bit.ly/2haxnP5
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A miracle happens when you change the way you see things. Website - http://bit.ly/2fs8kr0
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Stop expecting others to act first, Be the one who makes a positive change. Website - http://bit.ly/2w1iXqR
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Success occurs when your dreams get bigger than your excuses. Website - http://bit.ly/2y6SqJo
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A little progress each day adds up to big results. Website - http://bit.ly/2jA6Q29
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Sometimes the things we can't change end up changing us. Website - http://bit.ly/2wx0Eco
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Change is Hard at first, Messy in the middle and Gorgeous at the end. ~Robin Sharma Website - http://bit.ly/2h9nAZQ
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If you can't stop thinking about it, don't stop working for it. Website - http://bit.ly/2wSacR8
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The best things in life are actually really expensive. Website - http://bit.ly/2eOcF7b
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Do what is RIGHT, Not what is EASY. Website - http://bit.ly/2gThQ68
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