
Never apologize for showing your feelings. Never regret, for being who you truly are. Love yourself more. Website - https://bit.ly/2TUhBMM
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Sometimes you wish you could delete feelings the way you delete text messages. Website - https://bit.ly/2ZMHGkB
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Don't let your ears hear what your eyes didn't see, and don't let your mouth say what your heart doesn't feel. Website - https://bit.ly/3c7Zbhz
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"If only" is the excuse of the loser; "I can" is the affirmation of the winner. Website - https://bit.ly/2X3ZtBL
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Don't start because it's easy. Start because it's worth trying. Don't stop because it's hard. Stop because you've tried your best. Website - https://bit.ly/3glyERi
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The harder the life, the stronger you'll become. The stronger you become, the easier the life will be. Website - https://bit.ly/2TySY8b
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The minute you decide you want better for yourself is the minute the entire universe begins to shift in your favor. Website - https://bit.ly/2WAUtVf
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When you find no solution to a problem, it's probably not a problem to be solved, but a truth to be accepted. Website - https://bit.ly/2X18Y3F
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Never underestimate your own strength. GOD created you for a purpose and you are blessed with the power to achieve it. Website - https://bit.ly/3fBKruw
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Honest relations are just like "Water". No color, no shape, no space but still very important for Life. Website - https://bit.ly/2WB1nbQ
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Don't worry about failures, worry about the chances you miss when you don't even try. ~Jack Canfield Website - https://bit.ly/3djZOWn
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Making a big life change is pretty scary. But you know what's even more scarier? Regret. Website - https://bit.ly/2yhrPin
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